/* * Copyright © 2021 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sub license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS, AUTHORS * AND/OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE * USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions * of the Software. */ /* Make the test not meaningless when asserts are disabled. */ #undef NDEBUG #include #include #include #include #include #include "drm-uapi/amdgpu_drm.h" #include "drm-uapi/drm_fourcc.h" #include "ac_surface.h" #include "util/macros.h" #include "util/u_atomic.h" #include "util/u_math.h" #include "util/u_vector.h" #include "util/mesa-sha1.h" #include "addrlib/inc/addrinterface.h" #include "ac_surface_test_common.h" /* * The main goal of this test is to validate that our dcc/htile addressing * functions match addrlib behavior. */ /* DCC address computation without mipmapping. * CMASK address computation without mipmapping and without multisampling. */ static unsigned gfx9_meta_addr_from_coord(const struct radeon_info *info, /* Shader key inputs: */ /* equation varies with resource_type, swizzle_mode, * bpp, number of fragments, pipe_aligned, rb_aligned */ const struct gfx9_addr_meta_equation *eq, unsigned meta_block_width, unsigned meta_block_height, unsigned meta_block_depth, /* Shader inputs: */ unsigned meta_pitch, unsigned meta_height, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned z, unsigned sample, unsigned pipe_xor, /* Shader outputs (CMASK only): */ unsigned *bit_position) { /* The compiled shader shouldn't be complicated considering there are a lot of constants here. */ unsigned meta_block_width_log2 = util_logbase2(meta_block_width); unsigned meta_block_height_log2 = util_logbase2(meta_block_height); unsigned meta_block_depth_log2 = util_logbase2(meta_block_depth); unsigned m_pipeInterleaveLog2 = 8 + G_0098F8_PIPE_INTERLEAVE_SIZE_GFX9(info->gb_addr_config); unsigned numPipeBits = eq->numPipeBits; unsigned pitchInBlock = meta_pitch >> meta_block_width_log2; unsigned sliceSizeInBlock = (meta_height >> meta_block_height_log2) * pitchInBlock; unsigned xb = x >> meta_block_width_log2; unsigned yb = y >> meta_block_height_log2; unsigned zb = z >> meta_block_depth_log2; unsigned blockIndex = zb * sliceSizeInBlock + yb * pitchInBlock + xb; unsigned coords[] = {x, y, z, sample, blockIndex}; unsigned address = 0; unsigned num_bits = eq->num_bits; assert(num_bits <= 32); /* Compute the address up until the last bit that doesn't use the block index. */ for (unsigned b = 0; b < num_bits - 1; b++) { unsigned xor = 0; for (unsigned c = 0; c < 5; c++) { if (eq->bit[b].coord[c].dim >= 5) continue; assert(eq->bit[b].coord[c].ord < 32); unsigned ison = (coords[eq->bit[b].coord[c].dim] >> eq->bit[b].coord[c].ord) & 0x1; xor ^= ison; } address |= xor << b; } /* Fill the remaining bits with the block index. */ unsigned last = num_bits - 1; address |= (blockIndex >> eq->bit[last].coord[0].ord) << last; if (bit_position) *bit_position = (address & 1) << 2; unsigned pipeXor = pipe_xor & ((1 << numPipeBits) - 1); return (address >> 1) ^ (pipeXor << m_pipeInterleaveLog2); } /* DCC/CMASK/HTILE address computation for GFX10. */ static unsigned gfx10_meta_addr_from_coord(const struct radeon_info *info, /* Shader key inputs: */ const uint16_t *equation, unsigned meta_block_width, unsigned meta_block_height, unsigned blkSizeLog2, /* Shader inputs: */ unsigned meta_pitch, unsigned meta_slice_size, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned z, unsigned pipe_xor, /* Shader outputs: (CMASK only) */ unsigned *bit_position) { /* The compiled shader shouldn't be complicated considering there are a lot of constants here. */ unsigned meta_block_width_log2 = util_logbase2(meta_block_width); unsigned meta_block_height_log2 = util_logbase2(meta_block_height); unsigned coord[] = {x, y, z, 0}; unsigned address = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < blkSizeLog2 + 1; i++) { unsigned v = 0; for (unsigned c = 0; c < 4; c++) { if (equation[i*4+c] != 0) { unsigned mask = equation[i*4+c]; unsigned bits = coord[c]; while (mask) v ^= (bits >> u_bit_scan(&mask)) & 0x1; } } address |= v << i; } unsigned blkMask = (1 << blkSizeLog2) - 1; unsigned pipeMask = (1 << G_0098F8_NUM_PIPES(info->gb_addr_config)) - 1; unsigned m_pipeInterleaveLog2 = 8 + G_0098F8_PIPE_INTERLEAVE_SIZE_GFX9(info->gb_addr_config); unsigned xb = x >> meta_block_width_log2; unsigned yb = y >> meta_block_height_log2; unsigned pb = meta_pitch >> meta_block_width_log2; unsigned blkIndex = (yb * pb) + xb; unsigned pipeXor = ((pipe_xor & pipeMask) << m_pipeInterleaveLog2) & blkMask; if (bit_position) *bit_position = (address & 1) << 2; return (meta_slice_size * z) + (blkIndex * (1 << blkSizeLog2)) + ((address >> 1) ^ pipeXor); } /* DCC address computation without mipmapping and MSAA. */ static unsigned gfx10_dcc_addr_from_coord(const struct radeon_info *info, /* Shader key inputs: */ /* equation varies with bpp and pipe_aligned */ const uint16_t *equation, unsigned bpp, unsigned meta_block_width, unsigned meta_block_height, /* Shader inputs: */ unsigned dcc_pitch, unsigned dcc_slice_size, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned z, unsigned pipe_xor) { unsigned bpp_log2 = util_logbase2(bpp >> 3); unsigned meta_block_width_log2 = util_logbase2(meta_block_width); unsigned meta_block_height_log2 = util_logbase2(meta_block_height); unsigned blkSizeLog2 = meta_block_width_log2 + meta_block_height_log2 + bpp_log2 - 8; return gfx10_meta_addr_from_coord(info, equation, meta_block_width, meta_block_height, blkSizeLog2, dcc_pitch, dcc_slice_size, x, y, z, pipe_xor, NULL); } static bool one_dcc_address_test(const char *name, const char *test, ADDR_HANDLE addrlib, const struct radeon_info *info, unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned depth, unsigned samples, unsigned bpp, unsigned swizzle_mode, bool pipe_aligned, bool rb_aligned, unsigned mrt_index, unsigned start_x, unsigned start_y, unsigned start_z, unsigned start_sample) { ADDR2_COMPUTE_PIPEBANKXOR_INPUT xin = {sizeof(ADDR2_COMPUTE_PIPEBANKXOR_INPUT)}; ADDR2_COMPUTE_PIPEBANKXOR_OUTPUT xout = {sizeof(ADDR2_COMPUTE_PIPEBANKXOR_OUTPUT)}; ADDR2_COMPUTE_DCCINFO_INPUT din = {sizeof(din)}; ADDR2_COMPUTE_DCCINFO_OUTPUT dout = {sizeof(dout)}; ADDR2_COMPUTE_DCC_ADDRFROMCOORD_INPUT in = {sizeof(in)}; ADDR2_COMPUTE_DCC_ADDRFROMCOORD_OUTPUT out = {sizeof(out)}; ADDR2_META_MIP_INFO meta_mip_info[RADEON_SURF_MAX_LEVELS] = {0}; dout.pMipInfo = meta_mip_info; /* Compute DCC info. */ in.dccKeyFlags.pipeAligned = din.dccKeyFlags.pipeAligned = pipe_aligned; in.dccKeyFlags.rbAligned = din.dccKeyFlags.rbAligned = rb_aligned; xin.resourceType = in.resourceType = din.resourceType = ADDR_RSRC_TEX_2D; xin.swizzleMode = in.swizzleMode = din.swizzleMode = swizzle_mode; in.bpp = din.bpp = bpp; xin.numFrags = xin.numSamples = in.numFrags = din.numFrags = samples; in.numMipLevels = din.numMipLevels = 1; /* addrlib can't do DccAddrFromCoord with mipmapping */ din.unalignedWidth = width; din.unalignedHeight = height; din.numSlices = depth; din.firstMipIdInTail = 1; int ret = Addr2ComputeDccInfo(addrlib, &din, &dout); assert(ret == ADDR_OK); /* Compute xor. */ static AddrFormat format[] = { ADDR_FMT_8, ADDR_FMT_16, ADDR_FMT_32, ADDR_FMT_32_32, ADDR_FMT_32_32_32_32, }; xin.flags.color = 1; xin.flags.texture = 1; xin.flags.opt4space = 1; xin.flags.metaRbUnaligned = !rb_aligned; xin.flags.metaPipeUnaligned = !pipe_aligned; xin.format = format[util_logbase2(bpp / 8)]; xin.surfIndex = mrt_index; ret = Addr2ComputePipeBankXor(addrlib, &xin, &xout); assert(ret == ADDR_OK); /* Compute addresses */ in.compressBlkWidth = dout.compressBlkWidth; in.compressBlkHeight = dout.compressBlkHeight; in.compressBlkDepth = dout.compressBlkDepth; in.metaBlkWidth = dout.metaBlkWidth; in.metaBlkHeight = dout.metaBlkHeight; in.metaBlkDepth = dout.metaBlkDepth; in.dccRamSliceSize = dout.dccRamSliceSize; in.mipId = 0; in.pitch = dout.pitch; in.height = dout.height; in.pipeXor = xout.pipeBankXor; /* Validate that the packed gfx9_meta_equation structure can fit all fields. */ const struct gfx9_meta_equation eq; if (info->chip_class == GFX9) { /* The bit array is smaller in gfx9_meta_equation than in addrlib. */ assert(dout.equation.gfx9.num_bits <= ARRAY_SIZE(eq.u.gfx9.bit)); } else { /* gfx9_meta_equation doesn't store the first 4 and the last 8 elements. They must be 0. */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; i++) assert(dout.equation.gfx10_bits[i] == 0); for (unsigned i = ARRAY_SIZE(eq.u.gfx10_bits) + 4; i < 68; i++) assert(dout.equation.gfx10_bits[i] == 0); } for (in.x = start_x; in.x < in.pitch; in.x += dout.compressBlkWidth) { for (in.y = start_y; in.y < in.height; in.y += dout.compressBlkHeight) { for (in.slice = start_z; in.slice < depth; in.slice += dout.compressBlkDepth) { for (in.sample = start_sample; in.sample < samples; in.sample++) { int r = Addr2ComputeDccAddrFromCoord(addrlib, &in, &out); if (r != ADDR_OK) { printf("%s addrlib error: %s\n", name, test); abort(); } unsigned addr; if (info->chip_class == GFX9) { addr = gfx9_meta_addr_from_coord(info, &dout.equation.gfx9, dout.metaBlkWidth, dout.metaBlkHeight, dout.metaBlkDepth, dout.pitch, dout.height, in.x, in.y, in.slice, in.sample, in.pipeXor, NULL); if (in.sample == 1) { /* Sample 0 should be one byte before sample 1. The DCC MSAA clear relies on it. */ assert(addr - 1 == gfx9_meta_addr_from_coord(info, &dout.equation.gfx9, dout.metaBlkWidth, dout.metaBlkHeight, dout.metaBlkDepth, dout.pitch, dout.height, in.x, in.y, in.slice, 0, in.pipeXor, NULL)); } } else { addr = gfx10_dcc_addr_from_coord(info, dout.equation.gfx10_bits, in.bpp, dout.metaBlkWidth, dout.metaBlkHeight, dout.pitch, dout.dccRamSliceSize, in.x, in.y, in.slice, in.pipeXor); } if (out.addr != addr) { printf("%s fail (%s) at %ux%ux%u@%u: expected = %llu, got = %u\n", name, test, in.x, in.y, in.slice, in.sample, out.addr, addr); return false; } } } } } return true; } static void run_dcc_address_test(const char *name, const struct radeon_info *info, bool full) { unsigned total = 0; unsigned fails = 0; unsigned swizzle_mode = info->chip_class == GFX9 ? ADDR_SW_64KB_S_X : ADDR_SW_64KB_R_X; unsigned last_size, max_samples, min_bpp, max_bpp; if (full) { last_size = 6*6 - 1; max_samples = 8; min_bpp = 8; max_bpp = 128; } else { /* The test coverage is reduced for Gitlab CI because it timeouts. */ last_size = 0; max_samples = 2; min_bpp = 32; max_bpp = 64; } #ifdef HAVE_OPENMP #pragma omp parallel for #endif for (unsigned size = 0; size <= last_size; size++) { unsigned width = 8 + 379 * (size % 6); unsigned height = 8 + 379 * ((size / 6) % 6); struct ac_addrlib *ac_addrlib = ac_addrlib_create(info, NULL); ADDR_HANDLE addrlib = ac_addrlib_get_handle(ac_addrlib); unsigned local_fails = 0; unsigned local_total = 0; for (unsigned bpp = min_bpp; bpp <= max_bpp; bpp *= 2) { /* addrlib can do DccAddrFromCoord with MSAA images only on gfx9 */ for (unsigned samples = 1; samples <= (info->chip_class == GFX9 ? max_samples : 1); samples *= 2) { for (int rb_aligned = true; rb_aligned >= (samples > 1 ? true : false); rb_aligned--) { for (int pipe_aligned = true; pipe_aligned >= (samples > 1 ? true : false); pipe_aligned--) { for (unsigned mrt_index = 0; mrt_index < 2; mrt_index++) { unsigned depth = 2; char test[256]; snprintf(test, sizeof(test), "%ux%ux%u %ubpp %u samples rb:%u pipe:%u", width, height, depth, bpp, samples, rb_aligned, pipe_aligned); if (one_dcc_address_test(name, test, addrlib, info, width, height, depth, samples, bpp, swizzle_mode, pipe_aligned, rb_aligned, mrt_index, 0, 0, 0, 0)) { } else { local_fails++; } local_total++; } } } } } ac_addrlib_destroy(ac_addrlib); p_atomic_add(&fails, local_fails); p_atomic_add(&total, local_total); } printf("%16s total: %u, fail: %u\n", name, total, fails); } /* HTILE address computation without mipmapping. */ static unsigned gfx10_htile_addr_from_coord(const struct radeon_info *info, const uint16_t *equation, unsigned meta_block_width, unsigned meta_block_height, unsigned htile_pitch, unsigned htile_slice_size, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned z, unsigned pipe_xor) { unsigned meta_block_width_log2 = util_logbase2(meta_block_width); unsigned meta_block_height_log2 = util_logbase2(meta_block_height); unsigned blkSizeLog2 = meta_block_width_log2 + meta_block_height_log2 - 4; return gfx10_meta_addr_from_coord(info, equation, meta_block_width, meta_block_height, blkSizeLog2, htile_pitch, htile_slice_size, x, y, z, pipe_xor, NULL); } static bool one_htile_address_test(const char *name, const char *test, ADDR_HANDLE addrlib, const struct radeon_info *info, unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned depth, unsigned bpp, unsigned swizzle_mode, unsigned start_x, unsigned start_y, unsigned start_z) { ADDR2_COMPUTE_PIPEBANKXOR_INPUT xin = {0}; ADDR2_COMPUTE_PIPEBANKXOR_OUTPUT xout = {0}; ADDR2_COMPUTE_HTILE_INFO_INPUT hin = {0}; ADDR2_COMPUTE_HTILE_INFO_OUTPUT hout = {0}; ADDR2_COMPUTE_HTILE_ADDRFROMCOORD_INPUT in = {0}; ADDR2_COMPUTE_HTILE_ADDRFROMCOORD_OUTPUT out = {0}; ADDR2_META_MIP_INFO meta_mip_info[RADEON_SURF_MAX_LEVELS] = {0}; hout.pMipInfo = meta_mip_info; /* Compute HTILE info. */ hin.hTileFlags.pipeAligned = 1; hin.hTileFlags.rbAligned = 1; hin.depthFlags.depth = 1; hin.depthFlags.texture = 1; hin.depthFlags.opt4space = 1; hin.swizzleMode = in.swizzleMode = xin.swizzleMode = swizzle_mode; hin.unalignedWidth = in.unalignedWidth = width; hin.unalignedHeight = in.unalignedHeight = height; hin.numSlices = in.numSlices = depth; hin.numMipLevels = in.numMipLevels = 1; /* addrlib can't do HtileAddrFromCoord with mipmapping. */ hin.firstMipIdInTail = 1; int ret = Addr2ComputeHtileInfo(addrlib, &hin, &hout); assert(ret == ADDR_OK); /* Compute xor. */ static AddrFormat format[] = { ADDR_FMT_8, /* unused */ ADDR_FMT_16, ADDR_FMT_32, }; xin.flags = hin.depthFlags; xin.resourceType = ADDR_RSRC_TEX_2D; xin.format = format[util_logbase2(bpp / 8)]; xin.numFrags = xin.numSamples = in.numSamples = 1; ret = Addr2ComputePipeBankXor(addrlib, &xin, &xout); assert(ret == ADDR_OK); in.hTileFlags = hin.hTileFlags; in.depthflags = xin.flags; in.bpp = bpp; in.pipeXor = xout.pipeBankXor; for (in.x = start_x; in.x < width; in.x++) { for (in.y = start_y; in.y < height; in.y++) { for (in.slice = start_z; in.slice < depth; in.slice++) { int r = Addr2ComputeHtileAddrFromCoord(addrlib, &in, &out); if (r != ADDR_OK) { printf("%s addrlib error: %s\n", name, test); abort(); } unsigned addr = gfx10_htile_addr_from_coord(info, hout.equation.gfx10_bits, hout.metaBlkWidth, hout.metaBlkHeight, hout.pitch, hout.sliceSize, in.x, in.y, in.slice, in.pipeXor); if (out.addr != addr) { printf("%s fail (%s) at %ux%ux%u: expected = %llu, got = %u\n", name, test, in.x, in.y, in.slice, out.addr, addr); return false; } } } } return true; } static void run_htile_address_test(const char *name, const struct radeon_info *info, bool full) { unsigned total = 0; unsigned fails = 0; unsigned first_size = 0, last_size = 6*6 - 1, max_bpp = 32; /* The test coverage is reduced for Gitlab CI because it timeouts. */ if (!full) { first_size = last_size = 0; } #ifdef HAVE_OPENMP #pragma omp parallel for #endif for (unsigned size = first_size; size <= last_size; size++) { unsigned width = 8 + 379 * (size % 6); unsigned height = 8 + 379 * (size / 6); struct ac_addrlib *ac_addrlib = ac_addrlib_create(info, NULL); ADDR_HANDLE addrlib = ac_addrlib_get_handle(ac_addrlib); for (unsigned depth = 1; depth <= 2; depth *= 2) { for (unsigned bpp = 16; bpp <= max_bpp; bpp *= 2) { if (one_htile_address_test(name, name, addrlib, info, width, height, depth, bpp, ADDR_SW_64KB_Z_X, 0, 0, 0)) { } else { p_atomic_inc(&fails); } p_atomic_inc(&total); } } ac_addrlib_destroy(ac_addrlib); } printf("%16s total: %u, fail: %u\n", name, total, fails); } /* CMASK address computation without mipmapping and MSAA. */ static unsigned gfx10_cmask_addr_from_coord(const struct radeon_info *info, /* Shader key inputs: */ /* equation varies with bpp and pipe_aligned */ const uint16_t *equation, unsigned bpp, unsigned meta_block_width, unsigned meta_block_height, /* Shader inputs: */ unsigned cmask_pitch, unsigned cmask_slice_size, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned z, unsigned pipe_xor, /* Shader outputs: */ unsigned *bit_position) { unsigned meta_block_width_log2 = util_logbase2(meta_block_width); unsigned meta_block_height_log2 = util_logbase2(meta_block_height); unsigned blkSizeLog2 = meta_block_width_log2 + meta_block_height_log2 - 7; return gfx10_meta_addr_from_coord(info, equation, meta_block_width, meta_block_height, blkSizeLog2, cmask_pitch, cmask_slice_size, x, y, z, pipe_xor, bit_position); } static bool one_cmask_address_test(const char *name, const char *test, ADDR_HANDLE addrlib, const struct radeon_info *info, unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned depth, unsigned bpp, unsigned swizzle_mode, bool pipe_aligned, bool rb_aligned, unsigned mrt_index, unsigned start_x, unsigned start_y, unsigned start_z) { ADDR2_COMPUTE_PIPEBANKXOR_INPUT xin = {sizeof(xin)}; ADDR2_COMPUTE_PIPEBANKXOR_OUTPUT xout = {sizeof(xout)}; ADDR2_COMPUTE_CMASK_INFO_INPUT cin = {sizeof(cin)}; ADDR2_COMPUTE_CMASK_INFO_OUTPUT cout = {sizeof(cout)}; ADDR2_COMPUTE_CMASK_ADDRFROMCOORD_INPUT in = {sizeof(in)}; ADDR2_COMPUTE_CMASK_ADDRFROMCOORD_OUTPUT out = {sizeof(out)}; /* Compute CMASK info. */ cin.resourceType = xin.resourceType = in.resourceType = ADDR_RSRC_TEX_2D; cin.swizzleMode = xin.swizzleMode = in.swizzleMode = swizzle_mode; cin.unalignedWidth = in.unalignedWidth = width; cin.unalignedHeight = in.unalignedHeight = height; cin.numSlices = in.numSlices = depth; cin.numMipLevels = 1; cin.firstMipIdInTail = 1; cin.cMaskFlags.pipeAligned = pipe_aligned; cin.cMaskFlags.rbAligned = rb_aligned; cin.cMaskFlags.linear = false; cin.colorFlags.color = 1; cin.colorFlags.texture = 1; cin.colorFlags.opt4space = 1; cin.colorFlags.metaRbUnaligned = !rb_aligned; cin.colorFlags.metaPipeUnaligned = !pipe_aligned; int ret = Addr2ComputeCmaskInfo(addrlib, &cin, &cout); assert(ret == ADDR_OK); /* Compute xor. */ static AddrFormat format[] = { ADDR_FMT_8, ADDR_FMT_16, ADDR_FMT_32, ADDR_FMT_32_32, ADDR_FMT_32_32_32_32, }; xin.flags = cin.colorFlags; xin.format = format[util_logbase2(bpp / 8)]; xin.surfIndex = mrt_index; xin.numSamples = in.numSamples = xin.numFrags = in.numFrags = 1; ret = Addr2ComputePipeBankXor(addrlib, &xin, &xout); assert(ret == ADDR_OK); in.cMaskFlags = cin.cMaskFlags; in.colorFlags = cin.colorFlags; in.pipeXor = xout.pipeBankXor; for (in.x = start_x; in.x < width; in.x++) { for (in.y = start_y; in.y < height; in.y++) { for (in.slice = start_z; in.slice < depth; in.slice++) { int r = Addr2ComputeCmaskAddrFromCoord(addrlib, &in, &out); if (r != ADDR_OK) { printf("%s addrlib error: %s\n", name, test); abort(); } unsigned addr, bit_position; if (info->chip_class == GFX9) { addr = gfx9_meta_addr_from_coord(info, &cout.equation.gfx9, cout.metaBlkWidth, cout.metaBlkHeight, 1, cout.pitch, cout.height, in.x, in.y, in.slice, 0, in.pipeXor, &bit_position); } else { addr = gfx10_cmask_addr_from_coord(info, cout.equation.gfx10_bits, bpp, cout.metaBlkWidth, cout.metaBlkHeight, cout.pitch, cout.sliceSize, in.x, in.y, in.slice, in.pipeXor, &bit_position); } if (out.addr != addr || out.bitPosition != bit_position) { printf("%s fail (%s) at %ux%ux%u: expected (addr) = %llu, got = %u, " "expected (bit_position) = %u, got = %u\n", name, test, in.x, in.y, in.slice, out.addr, addr, out.bitPosition, bit_position); return false; } } } } return true; } static void run_cmask_address_test(const char *name, const struct radeon_info *info, bool full) { unsigned total = 0; unsigned fails = 0; unsigned swizzle_mode = info->chip_class == GFX9 ? ADDR_SW_64KB_S_X : ADDR_SW_64KB_Z_X; unsigned first_size = 0, last_size = 6*6 - 1, max_bpp = 32; /* The test coverage is reduced for Gitlab CI because it timeouts. */ if (!full) { first_size = last_size = 0; } #ifdef HAVE_OPENMP #pragma omp parallel for #endif for (unsigned size = first_size; size <= last_size; size++) { unsigned width = 8 + 379 * (size % 6); unsigned height = 8 + 379 * (size / 6); struct ac_addrlib *ac_addrlib = ac_addrlib_create(info, NULL); ADDR_HANDLE addrlib = ac_addrlib_get_handle(ac_addrlib); for (unsigned depth = 1; depth <= 2; depth *= 2) { for (unsigned bpp = 16; bpp <= max_bpp; bpp *= 2) { for (int rb_aligned = true; rb_aligned >= true; rb_aligned--) { for (int pipe_aligned = true; pipe_aligned >= true; pipe_aligned--) { if (one_cmask_address_test(name, name, addrlib, info, width, height, depth, bpp, swizzle_mode, pipe_aligned, rb_aligned, 0, 0, 0, 0)) { } else { p_atomic_inc(&fails); } p_atomic_inc(&total); } } } } ac_addrlib_destroy(ac_addrlib); } printf("%16s total: %u, fail: %u\n", name, total, fails); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { bool full = false; if (argc == 2 && !strcmp(argv[1], "--full")) full = true; else puts("Specify --full to run the full test."); puts("DCC:"); for (unsigned i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(testcases); ++i) { struct radeon_info info = get_radeon_info(&testcases[i]); run_dcc_address_test(testcases[i].name, &info, full); } puts("HTILE:"); for (unsigned i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(testcases); ++i) { struct radeon_info info = get_radeon_info(&testcases[i]); /* Only GFX10+ is currently supported. */ if (info.chip_class < GFX10) continue; run_htile_address_test(testcases[i].name, &info, full); } puts("CMASK:"); for (unsigned i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(testcases); ++i) { struct radeon_info info = get_radeon_info(&testcases[i]); run_cmask_address_test(testcases[i].name, &info, full); } return 0; }